duminică, 23 decembrie 2018
lana rhoades
Lana Rhoades is a Virgo born in September of 1996, which explains why her sexual style includes an obvious attention to every detail. Her interracial porn videos and gag-free deepthroat blowjob skills are approaching the legendary level as she climbs her way toward the top of the pornstar popularity list and offers her pretty face as a world class canvas for your best facial cumshots! According to interviews published online, this brunette sex symbol grew up near the Illinois border. A country girl surrounded by cornfields from a very religious family, Lana claims to have been a tomboy growing up and she was also a smart cookie who graduated from grade school a year early. Always an avid athlete, her academic years included plenty of time in acrobatics competitions and as a cheerleader along the sidelines of men’s sporting events. As she started to rebel against her strict parents, she moved close to Chicago around the time she turned 18 years old and started working at a famous pub called The Tilted Kilt which competes with Hooters. At a really petite 5’3” and weighing just 115 pounds, Ms. Rhoades has a hard time finding lingerie that fits her well, but the Tilted Kilt uniforms were perfect for her busty figure with a plaid tie-on-top and a signature schoolgirl short skirt. From her early days hustling pub food for customers to her present day porn appearances, Lana has always been about servicing the needs and desires of her audience. Following a a pretty typical path into porn, Ms. Roades has said that she wanted to get into hardcore porn for a really long time, and she sent in an application to an agency but her mom found out and wouldn’t let her go. Then she tried again a short while later, but her boyfriend at the time talked her out of it. Finally, she made the trip west when she and her boyfriend broke up. Lana took her XXX stardom into her own hands, applying on many different websites until a couple agencies contacted her to come out to LA. She sent an agent some nude pictures and that was that. While her path to porn may sound somewhat cliché, her sexual progression has been a whole lot less conventional. In fact, she has stated in interviews that she started off by having sex with other girls, and then transitioned straight into anal sex before she lost her vaginal virginity to anyone. The reason, which she described in video interview, was all about simply being too tight to take a cock in her front fuck hole. As she explained, she had a really, really tight vagina and that made it hurt really badly every time she tried to let a man fuck her. Nothing would fit in there, so she offered up her ass instead and focused on anal because it was easier. Like a lot of girls you may already know, women who leave their pussy for last are often much better in bed as a result. Months spent sucking off men while trying to make up for the fact that she couldn’t really fuck probably have a lot to do with why her deepthroat blowjob skills are now nearly flawless. Unlike a lot of girls, Lana Rhoades gobbles dick from tip to base without so much as a gurgle from her bottomless gullet! When she first started filming porn videos, Lana Rhoades kept her asshole off limits, which also isn’t surprising since agents often tell new pornstars they can demand a premium for their first anal scene if they build up a big audience before gaping their backdoor for a costar’s cock. Now the limit has been lifted and you’ll find Lana Roades getting Double Penetrated by huge cocks in some of her favorite porn videos. As for what really turns her on the most? She likes butts. With girls, she loves big juicy asses and whether she is being fucked by a man or a woman, Lana isn’t just about watching or squeezing that ass, she needs to get her tongue busy! I like to lick assholes and stick my face in people’s butts, though she laments the fact that most guys won’t Gender: Female
Birthday: Sep 6, 1996
Age: 22
Star Sign: Virgo
Measurements: 34D-23-35
Height: 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
Weight: 115 lbs (52 kg)
Ethnicity: White
Background: American
Hair Color: Brunette
Relationship status: Open
Interested in: Guys and Girls
City and Country: Los Angeles, US
Pornstar Profile Views: 23,278,972
Career Status: Active
Career Start and End: to Present
Profile Views: 3,417,922
Videos Watched: 14
Joined: 1 year ago hustler hijab cover
Unii ar argumenta că împingerea limitelor a ceea ce este "potrivit" este ceea ce face revista bărbaților Hustler cel mai bine. Dar cea mai recentă acoperire - care, după cum arată rapoartele Yahoo , prezintă o femeie purtând un hijab fabricat dintr-un drapel american, în timp ce clipesc niște băieți serioși - agită unele controverse majore .
Coperta aniversară din 2017, care a fost trimisă abonaților la începutul acestei luni, include textul "Libertatea în primul rând", un tovarăș oarecum satiric la îmbrăcămintea controversată a starului acoperit.
Desigur, afișarea hijab-ului pe coperta unei reviste pentru bărbați - purtată de o femeie aproape goală - va fi văzută de unii oameni ca fiind lipsită de respect față de ceea ce reprezintă de obicei ștergerea. În mod similar, alții pot simți că purtarea unui steag american ca un hijab este lipsit de respect față de drapelul însuși, deoarece simbolizează idealurile americane. Evident, acesta a fost punctul de plecare al problemei: să provocați controverse și, mai important, să începeți o conversație cu privire la ceea ce înseamnă să fii american acum, când haosul politic este la un nivel maxim (mulțumesc, domnule președinte ). În acest sens, a funcționat: Tonele de utilizatori ai Twitter-ului s-au alăturat pentru a-și împărtăși gândurile pe coperta revistei.
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Kim Lena, de 29 de ani, locuieste in Seminole, Oklahoma. A mers la școală la Colegiul Bacone și la Liceul Varnum. Unele trupe preferate sunt Rap, Rock și R & b. Filmul preferat este Superman. Online, Kim merge de la alias klena24.
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Actorul Malayalam declarat în mod obișnuit răpit și nemulțumit în mașina proprie, șoferul arestat
Un actor popular din Malayalam a fost răpit și molestat de o bandă de cinci membri în noaptea de vineri. De asemenea, ei au făcut fotografii și videoclipuri ale actorului și au amenințat că le vor posta pe social media. Incidentul a avut loc în timp ce actorul se întorcea la Kochi din Thissur.
Potrivit unui raport de la Indian Express , un grup de bărbați într-un ritm urmau de mult timp mașina actorului. Lângă aeroportul internațional Nedumbassery din Athani, tempo-ul sa ciocnit cu mașina și a început o luptă. Bărbații în tempo ar fi împins șoferul la o parte și i-au forțat drumul în mașină.
Potrivit poliției, oamenii au ținut ostaticul actorului, l-au molestat și au condus mașina în jurul orașului timp de aproape două ore. În timp ce se aflau în mașină, au făcut fotografii și clipuri video ale actorului. Gang-ul a părăsit-o cu mașina la joncțiunea Palarivattom și a fugit. Actorul a condus apoi mașina la casa unui producător de film care a rămas în apropiere.
Actorul în vârstă de 30 de ani a depus o plângere mai târziu, iar un caz de tentativă de viol a fost depus. De asemenea, a trecut printr-un test medical.
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